Q. Who are you ?

A: We are strong team of traders and have been working successfully together for almost 10 years. With Changer Investment Group. You can be certain that your investment will be handled by a group of qualified professionals.

Q. How will updates be provided ?
A. We will update all Members via e-mail as soon as updates occur.

Q. How long has this program been up & running?
A. This specific program started in 2006. However, our traders have been successfully operating for some 10 years collectively. They have been investing other people’s money in amounts of up to, and over, $100,000 with great success and this group was formed so that access to wealth can be given with much more modest investments, as low as $1000 usd.

Q. How much should I invest to start with?
A. Your deposit must be $1000 usd or greater; you can deposit from $1000 usd up to $100,000 per day.

Q. How long does it take to start earning a return?
A. You will receive 500% after 24 hours direct to your LR account.

Q. Did you run this program off-line prior to launching it on the internet ?
A. Yes, we ran our methods for ourselves successfully together for almost 10 years.

Q. How long have you been offering this program online ?
A. Since 2006.

Q. Are you piggybacking on other online programs ?
A. No, we have legitimate trading done daily.

Q. Who will run the program when you go on vacation ?
A. Yes, we have staff that can take care of things.

Q. If you go to hospital, is the program taken care of ?
A: Yes, we have staff that can take care of things.

Q. Have you created a backup fund in case your efforts fail ?
A. Yes, we have funds in place and will continue to grow them as and when we need to cater for a larger client base.

Q. Who can participate in this program ?
A. Everyone can participate in this program. We accept investor from any country in the world.

Q. How much can I deposit ? Is there a maximum limit ?
A. The minimum deposit is $1000 usd and maximum is $100,000 usd per day.

Q. Are multi-spends allowed ?
A. Yes, you can make as many spends, as you would like, but not more than $100,000 per day. Each new deposit will be treated individually.

Q. Do I get the principal deposit back ?
A. No. You will receive 500% after 24 hours (Profit + Principal)

Q. Are there administrative fees ?
A. Yes, Admin fee 25%

Q. What is referral rate and how do I refer others ?
A. Up to 10% reff. bonus direct to your account.

Reff link : https://changerinvestmentgroup.wordpress.com/?ref=your_LR_account

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